Like Vanessa Montagne, another European babydoll you all know, Annina is one of those busty bombs who knows what kind of outfits and heels guys like. She doesn't need a dresser. And, like Vanessa, she was always into big tits. Voted Best Newcomer at the 2008 Venus Expo, a massive adult convention in Berlin, Annina looks like she's in it for the long run. She's been to Los Angeles twice, as a tourist, and loved her visits there. This past year, the only men's mag company Annina has posed for has been SCORE. Annina moved to Cologne in 2000 to study real estate. If Annina hadn't have satisfied her breast obsession and then gotten into adult modeling, she'd probably have stayed a real estate agent. "People automatically assume I'm a bimbo," Annina said. Her English is very good. "It was very hard for me to fight against the prejudices of me being a blond with fake boobs and starring in porn. So I would like to thank all the people who have been non-judgmental and supportive!" For Buxotica, Annina wears the kind of hot-chick clothing and go-go girl boots you'd see at an auto race. She'll rev your motor all right.